Sunday, August 14, 2011

The art of sleeping in

We had a long weekend, it was the Queens birthday/mothers day on Friday in Thailand. Some people went on little weekend excursions but there was a surprising number of teachers who just hung around and had a little R & R weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday consisted of the gym, swimming pool, a Mad Men marathon, reading books, (finished Girls of Riyadh  and started Anthropology of an American Girl) skype dates and not waking up before 11 AM. 

Oh and I saw a SNAKE. No big deal. Just this long green snake.  It was being attacked by birds on a building then it dropped. It looked pissed, rightfully so.  I just stood there and thought I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.  There is a little road I take over to the gym and there are always birds going crazy or dead ones on the ground. I always think to myself if I were a snake I would hang out over here, food galore! So I stood there and thought, ok this snake can go two ways. I waited there a moment then walked fast and maybe ran a little bit. I have walked that same path 3 times and no more snake sightings. But now I am all freaked out that I just don't have to keep my eyes on the ground but on the sky to in case birds decide to drop snakes on me!!!!!!!! 

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