Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Cookies over can happen

I could not have started the day off better then I did today.  Live skype session with the Christmas Cookie Elves. I got to see Molly, Colleen, Naughty Kitty, Uncle Tom T., Matthew, Jack, Andrew, Maureen, Hannah, Mama and Papa.....I think that was everyone!??!??! It was sooooo wonderful to see and talk to everyone!  Oh man I am going to miss our Christmas Eve Bash!

Not only did I get to talk to them before I came to teach but they also got to meet my morning class. We all shared our favorite things about Christmas and the Dietsch Clan even sang us some Christmas Songs.  My mouth was watering hearing about the Christmas cookies and candy they had been baking all day. I will also not confirm or deny if my eyes were a little watery knowing what a great day/evening I was missing and how much I am going to miss the MINNESOTA FUN BUNCH this Christmas!  I know there are many more Christmas Eve Dietsch parties in the future.....but I don't think you understand how much FUN we all have together.

...we sing...we dance....we drink....we play/watch hockey..we bake Christmas cookies...we have been known to play softball on ice...we snowmobile...we always invite Captain to our parties(not talking about my father)...we keep Grandma's spaghetti recipe alive...we get aggressive when playing dice games...we make sure to find the tallest and thickest candles to burn at the dining room table...we always sit in the first pew at church on Sunday mornings...we have cranberry wars...we have the REAL Santa come to our Christmas party every year to hand out gifts to all the good boys and girls....I could go on and on.......

Now if someone could invent a computer that allows Christmas Cookies to  be passed over to Thailand or a way to give hugs over that would just be icing on a the cake.

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