Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cooking with Rachel

On the Menu: black bean, corn, tomato, lime, Tabasco "salad"

 I bought dry beans. No particular reason, so when I want some black beans I have to soak them for a day or overnight. Why make life simple?  I am going back to the basics. I am lucky to have a pot for this task. It was one of the gifts Brian left me when he fled the country.  Can you tell where these bean soak?? In the bathroom/kitchen. 
 After soaking the black beans I use my water heater to actually cook them.  I boil water 6 times and fill/dump/fill/dump into pan until beans are cooked. THIS IS A PROCESS. Thankfully I picked the cans of tomatoes and corn with the pull back tops..who knows what contraption I would have come up with to open them. 

As you can see I share my preparation space with a TV.  At first I thought that was a little weird, but I know some house holds have TVs on their kitchen counters. I felt better after I remembered that. 
 Black beans, corn, tomatoes, fresh lime juice, a shot of Tabasco. 
Getting creative over here!!!
After a delicious lunch everything is washed in the bathroom/kitchen sink and drys next to my hair products, makeup, q-tips, and my toothbrush and toothpaste. Now that is convenience my friends. 
All are welcome for lunch in room 510. Please RSVP and if you want beans give me a heads up so I can prepare them. 

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