Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rachel x 2

Right this very second Rachel is on her way from Chicago, IL to Thailand!!!  I am so excited I can not even sit still. She arrives at 9PM and we have nothing but fun and trouble planned from the moment of touch down.

Chang Mai tomorrow, Hong Kong the following weekend and then a week in the islands!!! Whooo hooo. The blog will be hoppin' with new stuff!!

One of my loyal blog readers...also my toughest blog critic ( "You sound like a brat. In a good way"  "I want to see more pictures" "Enough all ready of the sappy, emotional, blah blah blah stories") Mike has requested a few things. More pictures, less love stories, and more shout outs to Chicago.

Pictures--no problem I will take the camera out and about more and to class. Easy!
Mushy stories....ehhh. Sorry, but as long as I got a boyfriend that sends flowers from one continent to the other..I will keep talking about that sexy singlet wearing boyfriend of mine!
Shout outs to Chi town....I miss it all the time. The city, my wonderful friends, the el, the cold and windy winters, expensive rent, parking tickets, traffic.....ahh no, I do miss Chicago.  I do! Chicago spring 2011, I shall return. 

Mike- my dear, sweet, friend, Monday manager, Babylon loving, pimp daddy ho, marathon training, hockey playing, I love your sister and miss seeing her at the gym and talking gym "hunks", Wx2 partner and moral supporter, helper in finding teaching connections, drunk pizza eating, bike ride planning but never doing...buddy old pal........I will try my hardest to fulfill your requests. Please take your sister out to dinner and ask her if I can play at the LP zoo with her and the gorillas on my return to Chicago next spring.  Also, please buy Lex 5 shots of whatever she wants and put it on my tab AKA the comp tab.

Alright, that is all for now....time to go work off some of this excitement and clean my room before going to pick up Rach from the airport!

1 comment:

  1. More fun than trouble I hope. I agree with Mike about more pictures, but not about less mushy. I love your emotions--just didn't realize the ones you have for a boyfriend existed. They say the father is always the last to know. Oh well....
