Thursday, January 6, 2011

penciled in...

The wolfpack sat down the other night with maps, calenders, pencils, emails from friends, black tea ( it would have been wine but that costs an arm and leg out here...) and computers.  This is what our "summer vacation" looks like....outlined, some details, but more details to fall into place as the next couple months go by...

March 10th-16 LAOS
March 16th- April 1st VIETNAM
April 1st -8th CAMBODIA
April 8th-15th CHIANG MAI and other northern cities and villages of Thailand
April 15th-20th- HOMEBASE.....shower, eat, laundry, bloggity-blog, repack.......
April 20th-26th- PHUKET and other islands
April 27th-May 5th- BALI baby.
After Bali we are up in the air but we are working out details to make it to India and hangout there for a few weeks~

Holy Buckets. Did I ever think I would have a list of these countries, cities, islands on my TO DO be honest. No. I always knew I wanted to travel and see the world but I thought it would be like on my honeymoon.....or on a10 day vacation with friends....(thats not a bad thing BTW)

I would not be experiencing any of this if it were not for my parents. Their love, support and confidence in me to move 1/2 way around the world is why I am here.....

When I told Amy, "Hey I got a job in Thailand.. Do I go...should I do it?!??! It is sooo far..." (I will not confirm or deny tears during this conversation.) "Rachel. Why wouldn't you!?".....My little sister pretty much told me to pull my big girl panties out of storage and put them on....and put them on fast cause you only got two I have to say a thank you famous...

Rach. I would go into her classroom, her apt, I would see all the things she has collected, the amazing photos she has taken on her world travels.  All I could when and how am I ever going to be able to do this. She always said....your time will will travel....and sure has come...its happening. Rach inspires me to take a step out of my comfort something that scares you(or in this case me) everyday....LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST...even if that sometimes means Monday Morning panic attacks over Starbucks!! or wearing long red wigggsss and running around town ah hahhaaha...I can not wait for next years Christmas photo shoot!!!
.........................................and thanks to her ladies and gentlemen....starting a blog......................................

Many other wonderful people helped me get to where I am at this moment....Jen, my emergency contact in Chicago approved. If she thought this was a good idea...and told me to scram in the most loving way possible....I knew I was not doing anything I could not tackle. She had just the most amazing home cooked comfort food dinner a girl could ask for.  She had red wine and all my fav SRS girls over. I miss you guys...but thanks for nudging me out the door.....

Sugy pants. Not only did she re-rent my APT but she helped me pack up, drink up and was there when I needed her.  The best part is I can harasses her daily on facebook and even though I am sooo far I can still spill my guts and have the sugy time I need. It might not be a Sunday Funday.....but we have plenty of those to ones in Thailand right.......right...!?!??!?! get your booty out here girrrrl

Thanks, thanks, love you all I just needed to give a loving shout out because yes, I get to travel and see this part of the world, but its because of who I have standing behind me.

xo Rach


  1. Um, you conveniently forgot the two most important people, well mammals. Frankie and I for babysitting your precious bookshelf! I kid, I kid. But we do miss you to pieces! XO

  2. oh shit girl...and the ice cream social!!! I'm sorry!!! pet his tummy for me will ya. I'll send you some hello kitty gear I promise.

  3. Thanks to your dedication to this blog all of your loved ones feel connected to your adventures. Your many followers are a testament to the vast number of people you have touched. Although we cannot wait to hug you and see you again we are thankful that you are taking advantage of your time on the other side of the date line. Enjoy the ride--whether it is in a cab, on a bus, boat, plane, or motorcycle. Can't wait to see some photos. Be careful and have fun!! Love, DOTP
