Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Think of me when you use your dryer

Today was the 1st day I did laundry..when you walk down to your basement or wherever you keep your washer and dryer...know I am jealous. Oh what a small thing I took for granted. How I do my laundry....

1. Walk to the campus mall about a block away with all the laundry in a basket and a bag

2. throw all my clothes in one huge washer, try to communicate that I must wash it on cold...guess that was not an option and the setting could not be changed....so I had to hope fate would keep my clothes looking the same as when they went in

3. walk back over to the mall to gather my wet clothes and towels

4. Hang everything up outside on my balcony to air dry. I am trying very hard not to think of all the critters that will be a creepin and a crawlin out there tonight. This gives "fresh breeze" dryer sheets a whole new meaning.

Clean clothes though, are clean clothes no matter how they dry and I can't wait to put my tootsie sweatshirt back on for bedtime!

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