That is the name of a ride at Disneyworld or maybe Disneyland? Anyway, one of the two! That is also the name of ride you are about to get on every time you get into or on a car, bus, van or tuk tuk.
This morning I was picked up by one of the secretaries from ABAC (short for Assumption University) named Kik. By far one of the sweetest girls I have ever met in my life. I am assigned to teach at a downtown campus all day on Fridays and since a van was not arranged this particular morning Kik drove me down. Kik loves to drive fast. Also, people in Thailand, do not have the right away...neither do dogs. I think we almost hit 4 people, came close to sideswiping 6 other cars and colliding with at least 15 motorbikes. Some motorbikes with more then one person on them. I am not making these number up, in fact I may be down playing the numbers so Lisa does not fly over here and bring me home. We also almost got stuck between a giant pink bus and a highway wall.
So...Kik is flying down the highway with the AC blowin on high as we try are best to have conversation and sometimes charades so we can figure out what the other person is talking about. Right as we get into some BKK traffic the AC is turned off, windows down...and a little shrill from Kik on the right hand side of the car. "Oh no ajhan! I am so sorry I have to turn the A/C off! Almost out of gas!!!!" I tell her I love the fresh air as we zip around cars, eyes peeled for a gas station. Not only was Kik happy about finding a gas station but I was more then thankful for seeing the Toilet signs. You think bathrooms are bad at gas stations at home....I was desperate, I was actually about to piss myself...needless to say I pretty much needed a full body shower after using the bathrooms.
Kik told me on the way down that the reason she was driving me was because she did not want me to take a cab alone and wanted to make sure I got to where I needed to be. Even though she had never actually driven to this particular campus. Sweet girl!!!
It is now a race between Thursday afternoon classes and Friday classes who will be crowned my favorite. I have 3 great groups...they bring treats, participate and laugh at my jokes. :)
As great of a day it was it was a long one! I left the dorms at 7:45 Am and got home at 6:45 PM. I thought Chicago Traffic was bad on Fridays....ha! ha! ha!! I guess I had never sat in BKK night traffic. BAD.BAD.BAD. Another teacher had to drive me to meet Kik halfway so then Kik could drive me BACK to Bang Na (everyone always going out of their way!!)
So me and this other teacher had some great bonding time to all the female top 20 hits in the USA resang to a smooth jazz beats. They sounds pretty nice....different....but nice, relaxing tunes to sit in traffic to. My goal will be to find an example of this and post it up for your listening pleasure.
Back in Kiks car she zoomed be back to Bang Na where I got a Coke Zero(replaces diet coke sometimes) dinner, sat down and had my 1st real meal of the day. It was great... even though I had to pick mystery meat off the top.
We are keeping it low key tonight....but we also said that last weekend and it was one of the wildest weekends OF MY LIFE....but for real this time. Chill Friday.
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