Monday, November 8, 2010

Better than Christmas

I might be the luckiest girl on earth. The 1st few days I was here some of you know I had bad luck with the food...I was hungry and nothing was going down what do my mom and dad do...they send me a care package. It was an early Christmas in Bang Na this afternoon.... Crackers, mayo, canned fruit, tuna, chicken, KASHI bars, PEANUT BUTTER...SKIPPY!!! Lip stuff, airborne, plates, napkins, Tupperware, toothpaste,toothbrush, salt and pepper.....I mean the simple staples. Thank you mom and dad...what in the world would I do if I did not have you looking out for me way on the other side of the world! oh and for sending...not 1, but 2 NEW debit cards over to me. I have a had a few debit cards taken from me...put in the cash machine, never to be returned!!!!The 1st time it happened I was stressed out and not happy....the 2nd time...waterworks. I have been penniless 90% of the time I have been out here. But it all works out, its Thailand. And I have amazing friends.....who I am building very good credit with.

I have gotten pretty good and picking out the right things when we go out to eat. Pictures are huge here so I stick with rice, chicken,, veggies....and spicy! My nose it usually running after eating but its just so good!! I also found this great sauce to put on rice its sweet and super spicy. For 10 BAHT I buy a bag of rice, dump some special sauce and go to town!!

We had a great weekend....we really tried to do tourist stuff here, but that ended up not happening....but its on the agenda for this weekend.

On Saturday we went to backpackers alley known as Khaosarn Road...just the best people watching I have even done in my life. Fun, crazy bars, street food, street shopping, people from everyplace in the world on one street. I was speechless for a good 15 minutes. I just wanted to know who everybody was and what brought them to this place, in Thailand, on a Saturday night. All the Saturday nights I was working in a bar, or preparing for Sunday Funday, or hanging out with friends....this place was here. This kinda smelly ,totally awesome place, filled with people that were all ages, all colors, speaking different languages.....laughing, dancing, enjoying a beer, a huka, even a foot massage. unreal. neat. eye opening. thought provoking. unforgettable.

Our evening on Khaosarn Road consisted of some dinner, a beer, an hour Thai massage, an hour foot massage, some more beer, a dance party, street food, and taking priceless pictures. Makes me smile just knowing we will be back there before our time in Thailand is up.
After pay day I am heading there for some of the cheapest and cutest clothes I have ever laid my little eyes on. Puts American Apparel and Forever to shame ladies. I am about to rock a razor back tank with the 7/11 logo on it...and make it cool! hahaha!! we will see about that....

I am going to go enjoy some snacks thanks to mama and papa bear.....feel free to email me and update me on your lives!!! I miss you guys and knowing whats going on!!! Thank you to everyone I have skyped with, gchatted with and gotten emails from! It's so great to see and hear from you. I know I am far but I think that technology has just been huge making me not feel SO far. Love you...thank you for reading about my is kind of like a diary...a public one...but its good for me to take this time to write and to really digest what is going on.
xo Rachybabe

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