Saturday, October 23, 2010


it is 4:49 AM here...I woke up and am starving!!! I can't even dive into my cereal because we were all banned from eating or drinking past midnight last night. There are serious doctor appointments tomorrow for all the new teachers. Leprosy checks and stuff.....for real. Somebody had a really bad case of cancer a LONG time ago and the university had to pay lots and lots of money for this persons treatments. I guess they were not happy about that so we all have to get tested for everything head to toe.(sure there are many reasons for this check up but that was one talked about) Wish me luck!! I am sure I will be fine, but my tummy and lack of food may have something else to say about that. I also only tend to be hungry during nightime here, which makes sense because my metabolism is usually up and running.. one of our bosses told us we would have jet lag for about 2 weeks because of the abount of time we traveled. fantastic. If I could eat anything right now.....a turkey sandy with yellow mustard, avacado and tons of veggies with a side of chips...any kind
...uhhh man!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel!

    I am here reading this and laughing and crying and shaking my head in wonder! What a thrilling adventure. And the name of your blog is Awesome!!! You really did something in a big way. Some people dye their hair pink or purple, but Rachel moves around the world! I am just tickled pink for you. And Paul says he is very proud of you, and keep trying the food!

    We love your spirit and you!!! Enjoy and take good care of yourself!!! Joan and Paul
