Sunday was a good day over here in Bondi so all you kids state side you have a good day coming your way.
The other day I just picked a month from the right hand side of my blog to see what I was up to back in the day...I will tell you I was doing a whole lot more story telling and what seemed like novel writing! I had the camera out a few days ago and said I had to take some pictures for my blog. A good old mate of mine told me, "stop blogging and start living." that is not going to happen. Just looking back at really old posts I was so happy and so thankful that I had been keeping track of the good, the funny, the bad, the ugly, the sad, the frustrated, the adventures, the embarrassing stuff...I know I have not been as consistent since I have been in Australia but I will try to do a little better.
I am going to go with the approach of throwing some pictures up and narrate you through them on this storming Sunday night.
Our first topic up for discussion is Brads sitting position.Sometimes he does not sit in the chair. He more so lays and hangs off of it. Usually you can find him like this when he is bored at home, waiting for something or someone. I think it is his "I am fed up with this" position and he reminds me of a cute little kid. I captured him in a prime example.
Remember I told you about that really cool bar...Baxter Inn?? Well this picture was taken at Baxters sisters, Shady Pines. Another somewhat hidden and very hip bar. I needed a little snack break from some Christmas shopping one afternoon and bellied up to the bar for a freshie, peanuts, and a chapter from Kite Runner.
Australians LOVE this. Can't get enough. BLAH. GAG, BARF. It is some nasty stuff in a jar. I serve it with toast all the time at the cafe where I work....thank goodness they are in little prepackaged things so I can just pop it on the plate. I really have a hard time with the smell as well. The last cafe I worked at...I would have to scoop it out of a jar and put it in a dish to serve it. I would be trying to breath though my mouth and making sure none of the goo would get on my hands. Think I am being a little over the top with this? Go see if you can find this at a store and spread it on your toast then call me.
Some random street downtown. Some random men doing road work. Some random empty bird cages just hanging. That is all I can say about this picture because that is all I know.
Pretty sweet band-aid if ya ask me. It was a real help when I had shoes on that were tearing up my heels on a little trip downtown. I feel like a child. I have not been wearing the shoes for a day or two but I don't want to take off the colorful foot decoration.
Group shot. I work at the cafe with the girl in the green plaid and the girl in the red and black tank. Ash and Brit...great girls! Tyler is the temp housemate, Kirsty in the crazy pants andddd I forgot that other girls name cause I had met her 2 seconds before this was taken...and I still don't remember it. We were out and about Friday afternoon for lunch, window shopping and paling around.

Tonight was taco night at 123 Blair. Brad's new ping pong table arrived so when I got home from work there was beef in the oven, ping pong matches, cold beer, and lovely company. There were about 11 people over for dinner tonight. If everyone contributes a little something there is usually a pretty good spread by the end followed by very full tummies. Sure the tacos were a hit but so were the pitchers of crystal light. Brad's lovely mother sent me a whole bag over flowing with all different flavors!! What a wonderful women. Just when I had made my last CL package I got restocked. One of the girls that was over for dinner was American and was so impressed with the import. I won't be surprised if she comes back asking for more.
There was a massive rain storm tonight with a side of thunder and lightning and dessert of a leaky roof!! The disaster relief crew hard at work....